Free Education

Education is a right, not a privilege. At Viona Foundation, we provide free education to empower minds and transform lives

Feed The Hungry

Nourishing hearts, defeating hunger. Join us in creating a world where no one sleeps on an empty stomach.

Religious Programs

Embracing diversity, fostering harmony. Viona Foundation promotes unity and compassion, transcending religious boundaries through inclusive programs

Our Mission

The mission of Viona Foundation is to empower individuals and communities through quality education, healthcare, and social work initiatives. We strive to bridge gaps in education, address social issues, and promote skill development for economic independence. With transparency and accountability, we aim to create a brighter, more inclusive future for all, transforming lives through collective action and positive change.

0 Number of Teachers
0 Number of Students
0 Number of Donations
0 Number of Volunteers


Welcome to Viona Foundation - a beacon of hope, empowerment, and positive change. We strive to transform lives through education, social work, and skill development. Explore our initiatives and the heartwarming impact we create. Join us in this movement for a brighter and more inclusive future.


Total Centers In Gujarat

Viona Foundation operates three centers in Gujarat, empowering lives through education and social welfare, fostering positive change for a brighter future.

0 Offices
0 Students

Feeding Children in Gujarat

"Feeding Children in Gujarat" is a compassionate initiative by Viona Foundation, providing nutritious meals to underprivileged children, ensuring their well-being and bright future. Together, let's bring smiles to young faces and combat hunger in the region.

0 Children
0 Families

Make Donation

Transform Lives, Make a Difference: Donate with Viona Foundation.

Medical Health

Your Health, Our Priority: Empowering Wellness with Viona Foundation.

Food for the Poor

Nourishing Hope, Feeding Dreams: Food for Poor with Viona Foundation.

Help & Love

Help & Love: Empowering Lives, Spreading Hope with Viona Foundation.

Give To The Needy

Give to the Needy: Sharing Hope, Changing Lives with Viona Foundation.


Volunteer with Viona: Enriching Lives, One Heart at a Time.

Our Trustees

Guiding Vision, Inspiring Change. Comprising exceptional individuals from diverse backgrounds, they drive Viona Foundation's mission with passion and expertise. Together, we empower lives and create positive change, leaving a lasting legacy of hope and opportunity.


Jadav Hina

President of Viona Foundation

As President of Viona Foundation, I believe that education is the cornerstone of empowerment and positive change. Together, with compassion and determination, we can unlock the potential of every individual, creating a world where opportunities are accessible to all, and lives are transformed for the better.

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